Leo Tsai (CEO)
[Education Background]
 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, National Chengkung University
 Master of Business Administration, National Chengkung University
MBA Research Paper by Leo Tsai:
 "The Impact of Knowledge Management, Knowledge Conversion, and Professional   
 Competency on Human Capital: Using Franchise School Industries as an Example"
[Work Experiences]
 Voice System Programmer
 Math/Science Teacher at Supplementary Schools
 Assistant Vice President, MPM Math Education
 General Manager, Dino Kids Math Education
 Board Director, Association for Creative Thinking and Teaching
 AVP of Research & Development, Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Group
 Assistant Vice President, Huayu Technology
 Assistant Vice President, Mighty Brains Math
Being educated in different fields, the CEO of Wise Math is accustomed to diversified thinking. He is also experienced in supplementary education and writing math textbooks, so he fully understands a great deal about learning and teaching math. Due to his education background and work experiences, he is quite knowledgeable in math learning process and able to design professional math teaching materials that can make children love math. He has been training thousands of math teachers and giving countless speeches about math education. He will continuously move forward like a missionary to spread his love and passion for math.
For more than 20 years, the CEO has led his team to win awards for math education and business operation. Wise Math will keep spreading passion for math education and make more students really love math so that they will master at logical thinking and problem solution.